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faville course

FAVILLE e-learning program for virtual facilitators

The course aims to provide the technical and pedagogical knowledge, skills, and competences necessary for effective support and facilitation of learning processes of student groups in virtual environments in order to support the professionalism development and capacity building of virtual learning facilitators.

Download the FAVILLE e-learning program for virtual facilitators leaflet here

faville app

FAVILLE Web application

Faville Web Application on Facilitation Tools and Techniques is a web application for everybody who wants to effectively and creatively facilitate courses, meetings, or workshops delivered in the virtual environment.

FAVILLE Web application, in addition to describing individual facilitation methods and examples of their use, also offers an easy-to-use function to select appropriate methods according to different parameters.

Check FAVILLE's Web application here

Download the FAVILLE Web Application on Facilitation Tools and Techniques leaflet here


FAVILLE Competence Validation for Virtual Learning Facilitators

The FAVILLE competence validation process will guide you to systematically reflect on, document and demonstrate your own professional competences in areas like e-learning competence (conceptual, technical, legal); socio-communicative and facilitation competence; professional awareness and adherence to adult learning principles 4) Didactic-methodical skills; managing, planning, organisational skills

Download the FAVILLE Competence Validation for Virtual Learning Facilitators leaflet here